Thursday, July 5, 2012

Er. .2 Months?

I've done a two month hiatus, it was completely unintentional but I just totally forgot about this blog. >__<' I had so much going on in May with government testing, last minute class projects, and getting freaked out about my Junior year schedule. Last month I was at my dad's and spent a week at the beach. It seems that this month I'll have nothing to do but workout~ 

Since April I've been working out five days a week for a hour to a hour and thirty minutes. I've gone on total health fit and I just don't understand how I lived before! Exercising is really relaxing and makes me feel so much better! Since my last doctor visit I've lost around 25 pounds which is friggin' amazing if I do say myself~ I only need to loose like five million more. 
TT ___ TT 

I can only see most of the weight loss in my legs, wrists, face, and in my lower back. It amazes me how quick I've lost the weight. I just hope I can keep at it! 

I might have mentioned this before, but I have tumblr ( that I use pretty much religiously so if y'all have one you should follow me~ If you please~ 

Before working out: 

After a month and half of working out:

Anyway~ Anyone else dealing with starting a healthy lifestyle or trying to loose weight? Any tricks of the trade? 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fashion Inspiration / Things I Need~

I've recently acquired a tumblr ( and it is basically the best thing since fried rice. I mean, I can scroll forever and always find something to be entertained by. Or even ship a new couple (Korra + Bolin = Forever~~) and get inspired by the various styles on tumblr. I follow a lot of lolitas, some gyarus, and girls who just have a cute sense of style. They've inspired me to not only find a new style but wear what I want to wear no matter what anyone says.
Back to the main topic: here are a few images / things that have really inspired me~ ^_^
Hellraiser Loafers.. they are so friggin' awesome. I would die to have a pair but they around $195. Which is, in my opinion, ridiculously expensive. 
Creepers are so cute~ They aren't too bad price wise, but I can only seem to find them in a online shop based in the UK called mrshoes. Anyone know of any other shops? 
I'm really starting to get into this weird / punkish style. Its out there, but not so much that I would feel uncomfortable wearing it. ~ 
I'm dying my hair this general color. Its going to be more pastel and little bit ashy. I have to dye it again, though, to get the color I really want. 

Those are the main pictures that have been inspiring me~ I would die for a pair of creepers though. T~T
Sigh~ If you'd like to see lolita/gyaru/shipping posts you should follow my tumblr. ^_^

Friday, May 11, 2012

Laziness Over 9000

I haven't post since last month, which feels like forever ago. I have an excuse though!~ It's nearing the end of the school year and I have been fervently working on last minute assignments given out by my teachers. Which is annoying as poo! D; Next week I take a bunch of standardized test, but after that I'm pretty much done with school. Though I have to get my schedule ready for my Junior year!
I'm so nervous for the coming year! D: I'm closer to going to college and being all grown up.  ヾ(´A`)ノ゚  ~ 
I plan for this summer to be super amazing, though! I'm going to spend my time working out, helping my mom, and going to the lake with my friends. 

Wutwut ∩( ・ω・)∩ ~ Partyyy~ 

I've seriously been obsessed with Peach by IU, it is so beautiful and just.. amazing~ It makes me all flowerly 'n girly feeling. If that makes any sense~? >____>" 
Ehem, anyway. o /// o 
Since I've started at the gym I've lost about five to ten pounds which is friggin' awesome. I love to work out now, though my busy school schedule caused me, for the past week, to not be able to work out.
Oh well~ Summer will be here soon.

  Girly Chip Latte Brown
I'm going to be getting new circle lenses soon called Girly Chip Latte~ Hopefully I can do a review.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Forever Alone / Gym

T ___ T 
Korean dramas, why do you make me feel so forever alone? *sigh*

I've recently gotten into Love Rain (the first two episodes are a little eh. .) because it has my dear Jang Geun Suk. I've loved him since I watched Mary Stayed Out All Night. He is one my favorite actors~ I can only hope I start to like Love Rain more. It seems to be a hit with Neitzens. But, so was City Hunter, Secret Garden, and Boys Over Flowers which I didn't particularly like. To be honest, I really can't stand Boys Over Flowers or Secret Garden. No offense to the lovers of the show~ I just couldn't get into them. Though I believe Min Ho extremely smexy. e _ e <3 

Besides watching Korean dramas, I've started going to the gym.
I rather like it, surprisingly. There isn't a lot of guys there(which is nice, seeing as I thought many of the douches at school went there) and its mostly older people. I go with my best friend for at least two hours a day each week day. Hopefully I can lose some weight before I go to the beach in June~ 
Last week when I was off for Spring Break I spent my time.. wisely..
And by wisely I mean: I took random pictures of myself in the middle of the night.
I know, I am out of control. 

I was rather proud of make up that I did. I was inspired by some gyaru images I found on tumblr. 

I had to use my iPhone and webcam to take pictures, so they are of crappy quality~ 


Do I look like a typical tumblr chick? :D 
No? . .okay u __ u ~

Saturday, April 7, 2012

High Heel Wearing EXO-K Members~

S.M. Entertainment finally, after about fifty million teasers, had an their debut music video and song for EXO-K. They are supposed to be an super-amazing-jaw-dropping boy band. I was really excited about them, mainly because they seemed awesome in the teasers and had fancy camera workings.. 
The video, though, is a bit, well..odd. I mean, in the beginning I thought I was playing a RPG or watching a parody of Avatar the Last Airbender. >__>" Plus the fact that the introduction plays no part in the story of the music video.. .if there is a story. I think one of they guys sign is a unicorn? They start playing with elements that shoot out of their hands.. and then they are apparating.. and are dancing monks.
I dunno, man.
I just don't know. x ___ x
I like it, I mean, I'm not bashing them but I'm just kind of iffy. The video wasn't what I expected.. It was a bit of a let down. 


Look at these smexy things~ o __ o <3 
I got them from Forever 21 (the shop I am forever in love with) for about thirty dollars for my dad's wedding. They arrived too late to wear to the wedding, but I'm just happy to have them~ I think they are about six inches high.. which is the highest shoe I've ever worn xD 
Despite the fact I've fallen twice wearing them, I love these shoes!~ They fit perfectly and make my legs all BAM. c: 
Too bad I don't have anywhere to wear them. T~T 

Anyway~ I hope everyone has a happy Easter weekend c: ~! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

D.C. & Marriage

I went to Washington D.C. this past weekend for my dad's wedding and was flabbergasted by how much of a country bumpkin I am. We had to ride the metro to go look at the Washington Monument and it freakin' scared the crap out of me! You had to get on escalator that practically entered the depths of hell, at horrible angle to get to the station.The place was like a mix of Portal and Fall Out. I've road the subway before but the metro still freaked me out! But the people in D.C. are nicer than I expected them to be! We arrived safely to the monuments despite me freaking out. xD

Washington Monument

WW2 Memorial 

My dad's wedding, the main purpose of the journey to D.C., was really small and was between him and his long term boyfriend Shane. It is annoying that we had to travel from our states (me, my brother, and my mom from West Virginia, they from North Carolina) because it isn't considered "legal" in those states. >__>" I was glad to see my father so happy with someone he loved.
My dad is the bald one~ <3
At the reception~ <3
I had a lot of fun in D.C. and was glad to witness my dad's wedding~ Even though all the walking in flip flops hurt my feet xD I hope I can go back again! Hopefully next time I will be able to go shopping~ 

I'm now on my Spring Break so I get to be laaaaazy~ 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Derpy Spring Time~

I haven't posted in like fifty years~ Which isn't very good, seeing as I want to have a popular blog 'n what not. I just get so busy with school work.
 Mostly because of Algebra II. (>д<)
I dislike math intensely, and I happen to be horrible at it. I've been stressed with schoolwork and the oh-so important state tests. >___<
Anyway, enough with excuses and complaints! I'll update y'all with what I've been up to.
I've mostly been hanging out with my best friend, Crista, when I get free time. I haven't been dieting much, or working out. Though with this nice weather I'm probably going to start being more active.

I got some spring clothes tooooo~ I bought a crap load of chiffon tops(like the top I'm wearing in the picture above) and they are soooo comfy.  Me gusta~~ I haven't been able to find any shoes I like yet, though.
I also ordered Forest Blue circle lenses, but one of them happen to be messed up so I had to get a new one.~_~ 

I got some MAC makeup too, that I will review or show you guys next time!